Cap's Escapades

Cap the dog is a West Highland White Terrier, better known as a Westie...high spirited, fun loving and often in trouble. Always ready and ever loyal.

Monday, February 12, 2007

It doesn't get any better then this! We went to the beach again last weekend, but this time to Bolinas. It is very scenic to drive through West Marin this time of year, all the hills are green from the recent rains. Bolinas Beach is a great place to run around and meet other dogs. Sea drift at Stinson Beach is across the water in the background. there's also a very a dog friendly restaurant nearby called the Coast Cafe. It has both front and back patios for us dogs. In the summertime they bar-b-que oysters right out front and in the winter time you can buy cooked dungenous crabs to go. Best of all it's a great place for your master to have breakfast, drink coffee and read the Sunday paper. See you next time...
-the Capster