Cap's Escapades

Cap the dog is a West Highland White Terrier, better known as a Westie...high spirited, fun loving and often in trouble. Always ready and ever loyal.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Today was an eventful day, it started with a trip to one of my favorite spots, the groomer's place. After a haircut and a bath the master took me to one of my other favorite places, Vladimirs' restaurant in Inverness. Inverness sits within the Point Reyes National Seashore area and it is one beautiful drive to get there. (For more on Point reyes visit my other blog Cap's Escapades 2 ). I like going to Vlad's place, he always gives me one of my favorite treats, a veal shank bone Nothing like a veal shank bone to make my day. The master doesn't like to eat veal shank bones. After that we watched the Czech Republic hocky team beat Russia for the bronze medal in this years Olympics, we headed for home and made it there just in time for dinner. Since the next Winter Olympic games are in Vancouver Canada, maybe we'll get to go. Canada sounds like my kind of place-lots of deer, in fact i'm looking for some out the window now! -The Capster

Friday, February 24, 2006

I was out walking my master yesterday and ran into my good friend Chica(who was walking her master as well). Chica is another one of my Big Dog friends. A good dog like me and an excellent watch dog. Today is Friday and I'm hoping we are going to a park later today. Don't know which park we'll go to, just have to wait and see. See you later-The Capster

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What a day it is! Nothing like a walk at Chrissy Field to get the day started off right. Actually, I wish we could come here more often, lots of dogs out walking every morning. Well now it's off to work (seems like my job never ends). Always on call... See you there!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Now this is what I call Living! If only this was an Olympic sport..Now, if I could only reach the controls, I'd be off to the races. Regards,-The Capster

Saturday, February 18, 2006

What a walk and by the way I got to ride on the snowmobile (pics to follow). Good night for now...sleep well
-The Capster

Well the kitchen window seemed to be the most logical place to come in , since it was open... OK I guess i'll continue my walk. i'll be back in a minute -The Capster

It was a long drive to get here last night
(or should I say early this morning) since it was snowing, but we finally made it! I'm out on the deck looking for the skiers to return it's 1pm so they have to be coming back soon for lunch....When they get back maybe I'll get some treats!
It's a beautiful day, even though it's snowing on and off. Maybe I'll get to ride on the snowmobile after the ski area closes later today...One thing is for sure, I know I'm going to take a walk later on. Keep warm and come back soon! -The Capster

Friday, February 17, 2006

Now this is what I call a cool website, check it out!
Well I'm off to the snow now see you later.
-the capster

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Well today I'm back at home and talking a well deserved rest. Three days and two nights of playing with my pals, lots of running and lots of treats. I hope I'll be able to visit them again soon. This weekend I hope we are still going to the snow. Check back soon for an update! -The Capster

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Check out my new website at

Pet Health Insurance for Cats & Dogs

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's been an awesome two days! Here's a picture of me with my friend Zoe. My friend Lobo couldn't sit still long enough to be in the picture. We have been trying to get a hold of those squirrels for the past two days. But the squirrels are too fast for us! I love sleep overs at my buddies house. We are constantly on the move. The master left me here at his fathers for another night so I can play with my best friends for another day. He has to work long hours tomorrow so I guess we'll just stay here and keep vigilant. Well until next time take it easy and have fun
-the Capster

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Well today was a pretty uneventful day. Asside from barking at the passing cats and dogs, I pretty much slept all day. The master left me behind so he could work on the boat today. I can't wait to go out on the boat again. My intuition tells me we will go out soon. But since it's February, I think we'll probably be going to the snow next weekend and that is one of my favorite places to to the dog park of course. We have a lot of really great dog parks around here. One of my favorites is over in Berkeley-Caesar Chavez park has a great off leash area and it's close to the Berkeley Marina where we keep the boat. Well until next time have fun and stay alert!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Four years old and I actually have a pretty cool life. Between going to my masters office almost every day during the week, going to the beach, going sailing (yes I have a pet lifejacket) and going to the snow in the winter (I cant ski so I just wait in the cabin until the skiers return), I'm a very busy dog. My favorite toy is a tennis ball and my favorite treat is anything that tastes like chicken (of course alot of things taste like chicken) . When interesting things and experiences happen to me I'll be posting them here, so come back and visit as often as you can!